Sunday, September 26, 2010

Adventures in the South Pacific - Issue 3

Wow, we are actually in Fiji

We thanked Abdul for the taxi ride and greeted Brian, thanking him for this fabulous opportunity to enjoy the South Pacific.

The first day or so was somewhat of a blur. Sleep deprivation will do that to you.

We stored all our gear.

I gave Brian several gifts. Some were things he requested I bring. Others were things I put together as a thank you. He had broken 2 french press coffee makers, so he wanted one out of stainless steel. Seattle boys need their coffee.

When he visits remote villages, he makes animal balloons for the kids and he had run out of balloons. So I got 3 giant bags, plus another pump.

There was something else, but I can't remember what it was.

The gifts I gave him included a mug and hat with a picture of his yacht. I had taken the picture off his blog and added some words. The name of the boat is Furthur - after a crazy bus trip made famous back in the 60's. His blog title is Furthur Adventure. So I put "Furthur Adventures . . ." on the picture of his yacht on the mug. On the hat I put Further Adventure, then the photo, then it said "captain." (He's been drinking from the mug ever since).

We took several naps.

Brian had just had the bottom painted on the yacht, so he was docked at the marina that did that work - Vadu Point Marina. He's been in yacht sales for 20 some years and has seen a ton of work done on boats. He says they did a fabulous job.

In North America a large motorized boat is referred to as a yacht. A yacht in these waters is a sailing vessel and a motorized boat is a called a launch.

The Marina was adjacent to a lovely resort and we had access to all the facilities. We quickly made our way to the pool. Being in the water felt wonderful.

I ended up napping under some palm trees.

Abdul drove us to Lautoka for lunch and groceries. We were leaving the main island the next day.

There is a large influence from India, a full 40% or so of the population of many of these islands. So lunch was a vegetarian indian meal. I loved it. Jess wasn't so sure.

The open market was amazing. Piles of everything you can imagine with many vendors. We got lots of veggies, fruits, and spices. Some things are easy to come by and others are completely non-existent.

The marina had a lovely open-air restaurant overlooking the water. That's where we had dinner. Well, Brian and I had dinner there. Jess literally put his head down on the table and slept through the whole thing.

Having fun in paradise,
Debbie Takara Shelor

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